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Kopi Arabika Natural Papua Wamena 200g Maharaja Coffee

  • Natural Papua Wamena 200g
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  • New packing label Papua Wamena NAtural Maharaja Coffee
Rp. 140.000,00
Natural Wamena 200g
350 Grams
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Product Description


Specialty Grade Coffee, Organic Practice, Single oringin, Micro lot, Professionally Roasted to perfection in aroma and taste. 

Papua New Guinea adalah pulau ke 2 terbesar dunia, belahan barat adalah Papua yang dulu disebut Irian Jaya, Kopi di tanam di dataran tinggi seputar Wamena dengan ketinggian mulai dari 1.600 mdpl, di olah secara tradisional, petani mengendong kopi dari kebun ke pusat pengolahan dengan berjalan kaki berjam-jam melewati sungai dan lembah. Karakter dari Kopi Arabika Papua wamena ini gentle acidity dipadukan cita rasa buah-buahan (winey), keasaman yang sedang, serta sangat pekat.

  • Sangrai segar dari roaster kami
  • Masa kadaluwarsa 12 bulan dari tanggal produksi
  • Direkomendasikan untuk dikonsumsi dalam 3 bulan untuk aroma dan rasa terbaik
  • Dapat memilih bentuk biji atau bubuk, dapat di pilih ketika pemesanan
  • Profil sangrai yang optimum, di mana aroma dan rasa yang terbaik, pahit terendah, dengan keasaman terkontrol
  • Kualitas Spesialti, tanpa cacat

Jaminan Mutu:
Jika dalam produk yang di belanja tidak sesuai dengan deskripsi kami, Anda dapat klaim untuk penggantian.

Semua produk Kopi Maharaja sudah memiliki izin edar BPOM RI. MD.
Nomor MD tertera di setiap etiket kemasan.

Kualitas terjamin, higenis, mutu tinggi.


New Guinea is the second largest island in the world. The west half of the island is known as Papua of Indonesia, Wamena at Baliem Valley is the main location of Arabica coffee production regions with altitude starting from 1.600 meters from sea level, it is the highest coffee grown region of Indonesia. Coffee is processed traditional way and transported in backpack by foot crossing the river and valley to the processing plant. Wamena coffee production are very small but tasty with full body, intense flavor and winy tone.

Natural means more than organic, coffee without chemical or non chemical fertilizer, just grow where the nature are, very native, from remote places, the road vehicle are not available. 

  • Fresh Roast from our Own roaster
  • Expired 360 days from the production date
  • Suggest to consume within 3 months for best aroma and taste
  • Packed in high quality foil bag with degassing valve. tintie included
  • Available in whole beans or ground, you can choose when to order
  • Optimum roast profile for maximum aroma and taste, sweetness, brown sugar/caramel is preserved while bitterness is in lowest state
  • Specialty Grade Quality, zero major defect. 

Quality assurance:
If the product you are shopping for does not match our description, you can claim for a replacement. 

All Maharaja Coffee products already have BPOM RI. MD.
The MD number is listed on each package tag.

Guaranteed quality, hygienic and high quality.


巴布亞新幾內亞島位於西南太平洋是兩個國家共享一個世界第二大的島。島的西部是印尼國土稱PAPUA/巴布亞. 咖啡種植在 Wamena山谷地區海拔1600米以上。是延著島上最高的雪山峰4884米山脈,住著原始巴布亞族。無污染的高原,產量極少。高醇度,淡淡酒香,中度果酸。與印尼的其他地區與眾不同.



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Product Reviews

  1. Great Taste 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 19th Aug 2017

    Awal pouring pakai V60 sempat ragu cz proses blooming'a kurang greget, ternyata ehh ternyata pas diseruput, wew, fruity bgt rasa'a, cocok buat daily used, ternyata ini dia kopi yg saya cari ^_^


  2. Great coffee 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 3rd May 2017

    Kopinya enak. Packaging jg bagus. Kopi papua ini mirip dgn kopi dr indonesia timur umumya. Lebih pahit. But i like it

  3. wamena natural ftw 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 10th Apr 2017

    sangat enak, after taste manisnya nempel banget, rasa winey yang seger. joss!

  4. Top coffee 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 17th Dec 2015

    I was not so excited when a friend of mine suggested about this coffee.

    until first sipped of it, suddenly my view regarding Wamena coffee have changed.

    It rank among the best coffee I ever tasted.

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