Pilihan Warna: Coklat Transparan / Clear
Clever dripper merupakan alat seduh Taiwan yang berevolusi dari Trapesium dripper/model kipas dan Immersion brew (Tubruk modern). Clever Dripper ini membutuhkan filter kopi flat buttom ukuran 103 untuk menyeduh menggunakan Clever Dripper. Filter ini tidak perlu flushing karena filter ini sudah mempunyai kualitas yang baik. Di dasar dripper terdapat knob yang tertutup jika alat ini ditaruh di atas meja dan akan terbuka bila ditaruh diatas cangkir atau coffee server.
Kenapa disebut Clever Dripper? Karena barista tidak perlu terlatih untuk membuatnya, hanya perlu air panas dan waktu nyang pas, tidak perlu menuang tepat pada sasaran dengan aneka metode dan teknik-teknik lainnya. Dengan alat ini, hasilkan kopi yang seimbang (Balanced), karena kopi direndam sepenuhnya, dalam waktu yang kita tetapkan. Filter flat buttom juga berfungsi sebagai penyaring ampas dan partikel halus, sehingga menghasilkan seduhan bening dan bersih dan dapat dinikmati sampai tetesan akhir dengan citarasa yang sama.
Cara membuat kopi menggunakan Clever Dripper dengan perbandingan 1:7
**Clever Dripper sangat cocok untuk kopi take away dan dapat di tambah SKM, Suhu UHT, Susu Freshmilk, dan tambahan gula putih/aren sesuai selera.
Produk bersangkutan:
Abid 103 Filter 100 pcs
Sanyo-sagyo (CAFEC) 103 filter
Color Options: Transparent Brown / Clear
Clever Dripper is a Taiwanese beverage device that evolved from Trapezoid dripper / fan models and Immersion drinks (Modern Tubruk). This Clever Dripper requires a flat buttom coffee size 103 filter to brew using Clever Dripper. This filter does not need to be watered because this filter has good quality. At the bottom of the dripper there is a button that is closed if the tool is placed on the table and will open if placed on a coffee cup or server.
Why is it called Smart Dripper? Because there is no need for a barista, it only needs hot air and a perfect time, no need to be on target with a variety of other methods and techniques. With this tool, produce balanced coffee (balanced), because the coffee is soaked completely, in the time we set. The flat buttom filter also functions as a filter for pulp and fine particles, resulting in clear and clean steeping and can be obtained to the end with the same flavor.
How to make coffee using Smart Dripper using 1:7
** Clever Dripper is perfect to take home and can be added SKM, UHT Temperature, Freshmilk Milk, and added white sugar / palm according to taste.
Product owned:
Abid 103 Filter 100 pcs
Sanyo-sagyo (CAFEC) 103 filters
Made in Taiwan
Posted by Rio on 29th Aug 2017
As it is reviewed.. Keren.. Mudah.. Simple..
Posted by Unknown on 30th Jan 2017
As the name suggested, clever dripper, it really is a clever coffee brewing equipment.
You can use it as a pseudo French press or pour over, if that's what you prefer.
Good size for large audience, and it comes in smaller size also.
Paper filter is readily available and cheap.
Highly recommended.